Thursday, August 2, 2007

Third Day of the Conference--We're on a Roll!

Thanks to the discrete Garage Band skills of Sandi, and our FIRST TAKE audio track, plus the tedious "standards" work done by Kathy, we are so close to having all our requirements done! I think we all feel that we lucked into a great group.
For the last posting, perhaps we could all share some comments on one or more of these topics:
*favorite skills/ideas learned during the conference
*application plans for classroom/students
*biggest WOW moment of the conference
*bit of info that you are most likely to share with friends and family.


Helen Caldwell said...

So, I'll start.
Biggest WOW was the Smartboard, because I'd never seen one . . . is it just techno-lust?
Most likely to use and most excited that we actually did use so successfully -- WIKISPACES. I think this shows lots of promise for group work in my high school Spanish classes.
Really good insight of student groups -- I have to figure out how to change my rubrics.
I'll try to do the "assign roles" for big projects. That really worked for us.
I was really struck by how different school districts have focused on different technology. No one can have it all. Also, some individuals (like Sandi in special ed) have taken such beautiful steps to enhance her stds. learning with technology.
Good week!

Helen Caldwell said...

My posts come up as Menomenee River Valley--as Sandi noted, that's actually me, Helen.

Sandi said...

It feels good to know that our podcast is finished. I have learned many things one main thing is that there are teachers who collaborate enthusiastically. It amazes me how effective the use of technology can be for students with challenges. there are still more things I would like to learn - which seems to be coming from many of my peers.
as far as how I plan to use it, I have tons of ideas -- using podcasts to instruct students, to reinforce and motivate poorly motivated students and to adapt standard curriculum requirements.
this has been fun as well informative. thanks group!!

Digital Touch Education said...

I hope to use the skills that I gained to begin creating podcasts to add to my class web page. Ideally, I would love to do 1 per month which deal with primary sources in social studies. Of course, time is always a concern, but it is a goal I would like to pursue.

Kathy Sanders said...

My biggest wow was learning to create the enhanced podcasts in Garage Band. The power and potential of Garage Band as an editing tool is amazing.
Special thanks to Sandi and Dick for all of your great assistance.

I plan to create a library of podcasts for audio book reviews with my young students. The students will produce the books and we will share them with other students in the building. I think this will be especially empowering.

Helen Caldwell said...

ok, now I really shoud come up as Helen.