Thursday, August 2, 2007

Third Day of the Conference--We're on a Roll!

Thanks to the discrete Garage Band skills of Sandi, and our FIRST TAKE audio track, plus the tedious "standards" work done by Kathy, we are so close to having all our requirements done! I think we all feel that we lucked into a great group.
For the last posting, perhaps we could all share some comments on one or more of these topics:
*favorite skills/ideas learned during the conference
*application plans for classroom/students
*biggest WOW moment of the conference
*bit of info that you are most likely to share with friends and family.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Second day of the conference!

Take a breath! The script has been sent off to Neil, so we're past the first hurdle.

For today's blog, I was thinking that we could start a discussion about the conference theme of COLLABORATION.

I'll start out. To me, the most informative aspect of taking continuing ed classes is the opportunity to really experience things from a student's point of view. Two graduate credits -- and the grade depends on people you've never met before? In my last session Tues. afternoon, the woman next to me began to meltdown talking about the group aspect of the grade. I'm reminded of certains students (and PARENTS!) and their aversion to group projects.

What should this conference experience teach us that would be helpful for structuring group assignments in school? I liked the specific "roles" . . . but then again the "editing" piece was so much heavier . . . Comments?